How to Promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are important concepts to put into practice, especially within the homebuilding and real estate community. This industry is largely comprised of white, male leadership, and it’s time to promote greater workplace diversity and encourage the inclusion of diverse perspectives. If you weren’t able to attend the Sales & Marketing Power…

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Instagram: All the Nitty Grid-y

With over 1.3 billion users, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. There have been several shifts since its start in 2010, and today Instagram is an ever-changing platform with a complex algorithm and new updates at every turn. From a business standpoint, maintaining merely a general understanding of…

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Netiquette 3.0: Common Courtesy Meets the Internet

Netiquette 3.0 is where common courtesy meets the internet. Thinking about netiquette is necessary since business communications have evolved and become internet based. This move to digital technology means that everything moves much faster and there is more opportunity to make mistakes. Telephone and snail mail are no longer the primary forms of business communication…

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Planning for the New Year

This time of year is the ideal time for creating next year’s marketing budget! A marketing budget outlines all the funds a business intends to spend on marketing-related projects over the upcoming quarter or year. Marketing budgets often include expenses to support online presence, advertising, assets, marketing staff, signage, events and more. The Marketing Thread…

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How to Combat Negative Social Media Comments

Receiving positive comments on social media is always a great way to know that your customers are happy. It’s usually easy to respond to these raving comments, but when we receive negative comments, how should we respond? It’s often difficult for businesses to determine the best way to deal with unnecessary negative comments and to…

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Denim Marketing Wins OBIE Awards for Social Media

Denim Marketing was recently recognized at the 41st Annual OBIE Awards with a Gold and a Silver OBIE. The agency received Best Social Media Campaign – Gold and Best Social Media Application – Silver for work done on behalf of agency clients. The OBIE Awards, presented by the Atlanta Sales and Marketing Council (SMC) on…

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2021 Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop Results Revealed

The 2021 Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop Report results are out! This report  provides insight on home builder communication methods. This marks the second year that  Denim Marketing, Melinda Brody & Company and Blue Gypsy Inc. have assessed and compared the follow-up efforts of 50 national, regional and local home builders across the country. Due to…

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Vlogging: Reach Your Audience in a New Way

As marketers, we are always creating new ways to connect with our target audiences. Our radar is always on, looking for the latest tips, tricks and trends to meet them where they are. Thanks to the constant evolution of new technologies, more methods to reach potential customers are becoming more affordable, more common and easier…

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Why Should Home Builders Use Hashtags?

Why should home builders use hashtags? We’ll let you in on a well-known secret – hashtags are the ultimate tool to expand online reach beyond the brand’s current followers. Hashtags are a highly important (but often overlooked) tool used on social media platforms as a method to enhance brand visibility and reach target audiences with…

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Content Featuring Emoji’s

Love or hate emoji, they are here to stay. Do you know the popular phrase just stated with these emojis? Even if you don’t, these symbols pulled you in and made you want to read the content! Emoji are a powerful part of content today.  Emojis have taken over the way we communicate online. Based…

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