Sales & Marketing Power Hour Moves to Hump Day

Sales & Marketing Power Hour

Sales & Marketing Power Hour, a webinar series for new home sales and marketing professionals, kicks off its 2022 series by moving to Hump Day! The first webinar is Wednesday, February 23 at noon E.T., so mark you calendars. As always, Sales & Marketing Power Hour is hosted by the dynamic duo Kimberly Mackey of New Homes Solutions Consulting and Carol Morgan of Denim Marketing. A big shoutout to our teams, because Sales & Marketing Power Hour is a Silver Award winner in The Nationals and a finalist competing for the coveted Gold award in the Best Professional Development Series.

Focused on providing solutions, tips and ideas to both sales and marketing teams in the new home industry, Sales & Marketing Power Hour offers best practices and practical advice on what is working in today’s real estate market.


The webinar series moves to Wednesdays to give participants something to look forward to mid-week. After all, everyone needs something to get them over the slump of Hump Day!

“The world is moving fast and as an industry we need to keep up,” Morgan, president and founder of Denim Marketing, said. “Sales & Marketing Power Hour is designed to provide topical information to help marketing and sales professionals continue to evolve with these changes.”

The webinar series kicks off Wednesday, February 23 at noon E.T. with Selling Homes with Nothing to See. Virtual tours take on model homes to duke it out on whether home builders need model homes in today’s digital environment! Webinar hosts and attendees share what is happening in their respective markets and homebuilding companies with Mackey and Morgan offering tried-and-true tips for reaching target audiences, engaging with them in a meaningful way and accelerating sales.

David Payne of InventDev and Danny Collins of Media Lab and Kevin Weitzel of Outhouse LLC join the Sales & Marketing Power Hour to discuss this hot topic. Register now for this timely webinar!

Mackey, a known sales accelerator and industry influencer, shares tips on strengthening the human connection throughout the sales process, and Morgan, a known marketer, social media innovator and industry influencer, shares tips on transparency and building trust via marketing.

Save the dates for all Sales & Marketing Power Hour webinars:

This free webinar series is geared toward sales and marketing professionals as well as homebuilding presidents and CEOs.

Click here to join our SMPH Facebook Group for ongoing lively discussions!


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