Sales & Marketing Power Hour Webinars Announced

Kimberly Mackey of New Homes Solutions Consulting and Carol Morgan of Denim Marketing invite you to join them for Sales & Marketing Power Hour, a fresh, new webinar series that continues the momentum of the 2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer webinar series.  Hosted once a month on Fridays at noon E.T., Sales & Marketing…

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Expert Series: Mickey Mellen with GreenMellen

In 2009, Mickey Mellen with GreenMellen left his day job to start building websites on the side. He was also responsible for running a fairly lucrative blog, Google Earth Blog. After work kept pouring in, Mellen quickly realized he needed more help. So, later in 2009, he created GreenMellen with friend and designer Ali Green.…

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10 Tips for Better Blogs

Are you fully taking advantage of blogging as an opportunity to boost your brand? Even if your company already has a blog, it’s critical to assess its ongoing performance to ensure the best marketing results. Denim Marketing’s new video series The Marketing Thread continues with 10 tips for better blogs. Creating a blog is one…

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Tips for Creating a Community Instagram Page

In this day and age, social media is a major component in any marketing strategy, but especially when it comes to selling homes and increasing brand awareness. While most home builders maintain a corporate presence, whether it be on Facebook, Instagram or another site, many are extending their social media presence to now include community-specific…

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Should Home Builders Cut or Reduce Commission?

Demand for new homes is incredibly high and builders are throttling sales through multiple methods including commission cuts. Many builders make these cuts in attempts to be more profitable or slow down their high pipeline influx, but some argue this practice is not a sustainable solution. “Cut the Commission” was the topic of a recent…

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Top Social Media Sites and Demographics

It’s crucial to stay informed on key social media statistics and demographics to make marketing strategy decisions. It’s important to know where your target audience spends time and how they’re using different social media platforms. The best marketing choices are based on statistics and fact, so when it comes to your marketing, numbers are your…

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5 Marketing Tactics for Good Times

Good market, bad market or great market? For home builders, 2020 was a fantastic market and 2021 started the year off with a bang. Is this momentum sustainable? I’ll leave that answer to you, but one thing is for sure, it is a highly price-sensitive market and it is important to focus on tried and…

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Social Media Sites to Watch in 2021

Social media sites come and go. And, figuring out which social media sites to watch or create accounts on can be complicated. Successful marketing requires always staying ahead of the curve. This year, as always, there new social media sites on the scene and it’s important to be aware of them. Early adopters of the…

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Enjoy Our New Video Series: The Marketing Thread

In the world of digital marketing, it’s highly important to stay up to date on the latest trends to create a marketing strategy that is consistently successful. To address this need, Denim Marketing launches The Marketing Thread, a new video series featuring marketing tips and the newest marketing trends. Hosted by Denim Marketing’s Digital Content…

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