Call Tracking Captures Data Analytics

Are you searching for a simple way to figure out which marketing campaigns are making your phone ring? For homebuilders looking to be more strategic and effective with tracking MarTech, call tracking provides sophisticated data analytics. CallRail is a call tracking company that has built an entire platform around call tracking and collecting customer data.…

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The Latest Trend in Color Renderings

Color renderings or architectural renderings are very popular with today’s new homebuyers. This MarTech allows shoppers to envision what the home will look like when complete. If a home builder is building a new home plan, they won’t have a picture to put on the website or show to a prospective buyer. And luckily for…

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Virtual Tours vs Model Homes!

Selling Homes with Nothing to See: Virtual Tours vs Model Homes! Do home builders still need model homes in today’s digital environment? Some people say they don’t! Virtual tours are more popular than ever for selling homes, and it’s clear that this trend is here to stay! With the incredible cost and time-saving benefits of…

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What are the Hot Social Media Trends?

Wondering what are the hot social media trends to watch? Well, social media changes almost as frequently as we refresh our phones. As media users, our independent actions influence algorithms and “trickle up” to the businesses who actually foot the bill for our “free” social media access. Homebuilders are among those businesses, and industry marketing…

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Expanding the Marketing Funnel: Rethinking the Homebuyer Journey

Your team doesn’t stop working when the contract’s signed. Why should your marketing? Home builders stay on-trend when it comes to interior design, elevations and floorplans. If they wish to stay on-trend with their marketing as well, it’s time to take another look at home builder marketing, the marketing funnel and the new homebuyer’s journey.…

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Instagram: Selling New Homes Off the Grid

The homebuilding industry is constantly having to pivot and adjust to the real estate landscape because keeping up to date with the latest marketing strategies and tactics is crucial. Based on Mandy Holm’s Tech Bytes session at the recent International Builders’ Show, this blog offers tips for selling new homes off the Instagram grid. Does…

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Avoid Brand Schizophrenia

How to Keep Brand Messaging On-Track Is your brand creating confusion in buyers’ minds? Take time to check in with your brand and messaging to ensure your target audience understands who your company is and what it sells. From a self-help quick check to making sure your logos, photos and content match across the various…

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Creating Effective Facebook Ads Despite Data Privacy Changes

Recent changes by both Facebook and Apple have made targeting specific audiences harder than ever when creating Facebook and Instagram ads, especially for homebuilders. This blog offers tips for creating effective Facebook ads and is based on Courtney Stewart’s Tech Bytes session at the International Builder’s Show. Several years ago, Facebook created Special Ad categories…

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Does Your Website Have a Buy Now Online Button?

Is your website an e-commerce engine where homebuyers can click a Buy Now button and purchase a new home online? Is this something homebuyers expect? Car dealers have perfected selling cars online with a variety of options and upgrades. Why haven’t homebuilders figured it out? This session at the International Builders’ Show (IBS) delved into…

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