Is Pinterest Advertising Worth It?

Contrary to popular belief, Pinterest isn’t just a place for sharing the latest viral recipes, workout routines or DIY projects. The platform is also a great space for marketing brands and sharing newsworthy content. While many still consider Pinterest to simply be a virtual scrapbook, the platform is quickly proving itself to be a powerhouse…

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Top 5 Marketing Trends for 2021

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) fast-tracked a lot of marketing trends that were already starting to grow, and these comprise our Top 5 Marketing Trends for 2021. Coronavirus was a force magnifier and now these trends are must-haves. Of course, there are other marketing tools that are standards, so those are covered here as well. Our 2021 “Must-Have…

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Generation Z Shifts Consumer Market

Generation Z now comprises more than 40% of the world’s population, and is far too big to ignore. Consisting of those between 18 and 24 years old, Gen Z is a causing major shifts in the consumer market with their perspectives and rising influence. While the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has thrown everyone a few curveballs…

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Courtney Stewart Talks Personal Branding with Anya Chrisanthon

Courtney Stewart, Senior Account Manager at Denim Marketing was recently interviewed by Anya Chrisanthon about personal branding on Anya’s New Construction Marketing Podcast. In the episode, Courtney goes into detail about what personal branding is and how it influences your brand. As Senior Account Manager, Courtney manages a variety of clients including some of Denim…

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What is Image Alt Text and How Do You Use It?

If you spend time writing blogs or website content, you’ve probably seen or are familiar with image alt text. Alt text, or alternative text, is often overlooked in search engine optimization (SEO) by novices since it’s not visible on the web page. However small, this piece of information plays a critical role in web page…

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What to Avoid When Going Live on Facebook, Instagram

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but if you are running a Facebook or Instagram business page and not utilizing the live stream function, you are doing it wrong. As a marketing firm, the Denim Marketing team often recommends the use of Facebook Live and Instagram Live to its clients. Livestreaming is a…

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Expert Series: Daniel Levitan with Levitan & Associates

Daniel Levitan founded Levitan & Associates in 1995. He opened this Fort Lauderdale-based management consulting firm immediately after the closing of The Greenman Group. At the time of its closing, the Greenman Group was one of the largest, fully integrated comprehensive sales and marketing consulting firms in the country that exclusively served the homebuilding industry.…

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User-Generated Content: Turning Fans into Creators

Turn your business’s raving fans into content creators with user-generated content. As traditional marketing methods becomes less and less effective, we have seen a significant rise in user-generated content on social media and online. Today’s customers value and trust the opinions of others, often times more than the business or brand itself. As a result,…

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Expert Series: Dennis O’Neil with ONeil Interactive

Dennis O’Neil, President of ONeil Interactive, founded his company in 2008. Focused on increasing homebuilder sales through technology. His firm is insanely curious about consumer experience and how technology shapes this experience. In his role as president, his responsibilities primarily consist of leading the 16-person team of smart professionals, Dennis is a daily contributor to…

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Facebook Advertising: Where Social Ads Surpass Print

The world has gone digital and so has advertising. In 2019, the money spent on social advertising surpassed traditional print ads for the first time. According to Advertising Expenditure Forecasts from Zenith Media, advertisers will spend more on social media platforms than on print for the first time this year. Advertising expenditure on social media will…

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