Proactive Marketing Webinar: Stop Majoring in the Minors

proactive marketingDo you ever feel like all you do is react? Let’s talk about proactive marketing and sales!

Join us on Friday, August 14, 2020 at 2 p.m. for our next WEBINAR: 2020 Vision – It’s a Game Changer–Stop Majoring in the Minors, Focus on What Matters.

Whether you are a salesperson who feels like you are always in reaction mode, or a sales and marketing manager who can’t seem to get it all done, or a CEO who is pulled in too many directions, this webinar will give you tools to manage the madness to get more done in less time. Proactive marketing and sales takes a little focus, but it is worth it for your sanity!

Some of what we will cover includes:

  • Time Management, prioritization and time worthiness tricks
  • Do you have the right people doing the right job (even when you think there is no one else to do it)?
  • Technology to manage processes
  • Strategic Planning
  • Marketing Management: social media, CRM, etc.
  • Content – it seems like I’m always writing content for social media, blogs, PR, email, newsletters, etc., tips for consolidating content to save time.
  • Streamline your sales and sales management process
  • Avoid Administrivia at all costs

Register now for our new joint Denim Marketing/New Homes Solutions monthly webinar series, “2020 Vision–It’s a Game Changer!” The webinars happen the 2nd Friday of each month in 2020.


Upcoming Webinars:

September 11 – TBD

October 9 – It’s A Party! Promotions for Realtors & Buyers

November 13 – TBD

December 11 – TBD

Whether you are a sales or marketing professional or a home building President or CEO, this webinar series is for you.

Join industry experts and head coaches Carol Morgan, founder and president of Denim Marketing, and Kimberly Mackey, founder and sales and marketing management consultant of New Homes Solutions Consulting, the second Friday of each month at 2 p.m. ET for this webinar series focused on your success.

Register for our webinar series 2020 Vision: It’s a Game Changer by clicking here.

Click here for more ideas related to COVID-19 marketing.

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