Lasso Webinar: The Modern Marketing Team

How to Get Your Entire Team to Think Like Marketers Marketing departments are at the forefront of digital transformation. An emphasis needs to be placed on how modern marketing teams structure and align their people, process and partners. The modern marketer is a multitasking juggler who can hold their own in this digital world. In…

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Denim Marketing Team to Speak at 2019 IBS

Are you creating hyper-local blogs to attract buyers? Are you lost on how to market to different generations? Do the terms Facebook advertising and vlogging make your head hurt? If your answers are No, Yes, Yes, then you’ll be thrilled to learn that our team will be speaking at the 2019 International Builders Show in…

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Tiny Houses, Narrow Lots and the Demographics of Today’s Buyers

Marketing and Selling to different generations and niche markets is complex. MarketNsight’s John Hunt and Denim Marketing’s Carol Morgan present, “Tiny Houses, Narrow Lots and the Demographics and Psychographics of Today’s Buyers” to explain the emergence of new microproduct nationwide. As development and building costs explode, we see more and more microproduct being developed. This includes…

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Netiquette: Communications 3.0

Netiquette, where common courtesy meets the internet, has become a necessary focus as business communications have evolved and become internet based. The telephone and snail mail are no longer the primary forms of business communication as texting, instant messaging and social media have become main stream. When is it OK to text a client or…

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Seminar: Online Reputation Management

Carol Morgan with Denim Marketing and Paul Cardis of Avid Ratings present Online Reputation Management: Give Them Something to Talk About. This seminar offers ways that companies can proactively work on reputation management while also giving some suggestions of what not to do. The majority of people trust online reviews and endorsements from friends when…

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Seminar: Social Media Marketing for Your Business

Social Media Marketing for Your Business takes a long-term approach to building and maintaining an effective marketing strategy with social media as a main component. It is designed to help companies think strategically about social media and how it fits within the “big picture.” A well-designed marketing program must start with a strong foundation comprised…

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Gauging the Generations: Millennials to Boomers

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The housing market is guilty of building the same product over and over and over. If you are ready to make a change to reach today’s new home buyer and build what they are buying, this seminar is…

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Book Now: Old School or New School

Whether you are more Old School and prefer paper and pen (or a pencil) or more New School and like a keyboard under your fingers, this new home sales seminar will present effective follow up solutions you can start using today! Old School or New School is geared toward agents, brokers, marketing managers and others…

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