Facebook Advertising: Where Social Ads Surpass Print

The world has gone digital and so has advertising. In 2019, the money spent on social advertising surpassed traditional print ads for the first time. According to Advertising Expenditure Forecasts from Zenith Media, advertisers will spend more on social media platforms than on print for the first time this year. Advertising expenditure on social media will…

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Virtual Meetings: To Zoom or Not to Zoom

Whether you call them virtual meetings or video conferences, this technology is bridging the distance by allowing businesses to communicate internally and externally when in-person meetings are not an option. With social distancing being enforced across the country, more and more businesses are turning to these virtual means of communication. Virtual video meetings allow face…

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Carol Morgan Discusses Netiquette with Anya Chrisanthon

Carol Morgan, founder and president of Denim Marketing recently spoke to Anya Chrisanthon about Netiquette on Anya’s New Construction Marketing Podcast. In the podcast, Carol goes into detail about the importance of internet etiquette in business communication and strategies to use to find the best communication channel based on the person you are communicating with,…

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Free Webinar: Improving Realtor Relationships

Our eighth webinar in a series is designed to help sales and marketing teams in the new home industry improve their co-op Realtor relationships during this uncharted crisis. If you missed Improving Realtor Relationships for the Long Haul on Friday, May 15, 2020, then watch the video here: As part of our webinar series, “Selling…

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Chatbots versus Live Chat: Which is Best?

The way businesses communicate and provide customer support is constantly changing. Today, businesses are switching from a transactional approach to a more communicative one using marketing tools like chatbots and live chat with real people. Both marketing tools have the power to assist customers, provide positive customer service and help customers reach a purchasing decision.…

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What the Hashtag?

Seriously, What the Hashtag? Hashtags still confuse a lot of people. Here is a short primer on what they are and how to use them, as well as which ones are trending now. So, what is a hashtag? Some of you (Generation X and Boomers) may still call it a pound sign! The pound sign…

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