Gen X Replaces the Boomer as the new 55+ Homebuyer 

Boomers have dominated the housing market as 55+ buyers for the last several decades, but there’s a new generation in its mid-50s, and it’s time to remember them! Long called the forgotten generation or the sandwich generation, the oldest Gen Xers are turning 58 this year. The youngest Gen Xers are just 43, so for…

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Should Home Builders Repurpose or Rewrite Blog Posts?

Blogging is essential to content marketing, but keeping your blog fresh and up-to-date can be challenging. Home builders and developers can do this by repurposing or rewriting older blog posts. In this blog, we answer the question, should home builders repurpose or rewrite blog posts? We will show you how to repurpose blog content effectively.…

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2022 Denim Marketing Year in Review

Denim Marketing had a fantastic 2022! To celebrate, we created this fun infographic detailing several fun highlights and statistics for the year in review. 1,265 blogs written – When we say we like to write, we mean it! Denim Marketing’s team specializes in high-quality content for home builders, developers and others in the new home construction…

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Can Home Builders Use ChatGPT for Marketing?

Can home builders effectively use ChatGPT in marketing? To explore this topic, I signed up for ChatGPT and used it to write this blog post! It has some definite pros and cons for any marketing usage, but it is certainly fun to research and play with. To write this article on how home builders can…

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